About Me

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Our adventures started in amazing Alaska, but have since taken us to beautiful Spokane Valley, Washington. Our family consists of Nick (Dad), Becki (Mom), and our four boys: Alvin, Alex, Rilie, and Jackson. I enjoy homeschooling our kids and we're excited for what adventures Spokane has for us.

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year & New Resolutions...

Hello All,

Although, I must confess... I feel like I'm typing into cyber space waiting for someone to pick up my digital note in a bottle. If you're out there... please let me know.

I don't typically make "New Year Resolutions". I think it's a silly time to make a resolution. The holidays are busy, emotional, and crazy (in the good way and sometimes the bad way). How is one going to make a healthy realistic goal that builds one up, rather than tear them down even more? Anyways... regardless, I feel drawn to making one this year. This year's goal is a return to simplicity. It's an easy goal I return to about every few months. I go through my calendar, agendas, and to-do lists. I nix off the items that aren't essential, and enjoy the next several weeks of being a mommy, wife, and friend. After a couple months, some more non-essential craziness clutters my life and we start over. So, here's to another SIMPLE new year :D

The holidays have been wonderful. We are so excited to go to my parents' cabin. Alvin & Paul are really excited to go snow machining and shoot off fireworks.


  1. I'm right there with you. Simplicity is the only thing I can think of that can really sum up and govern each part of your life. :) BTW... I read every post :)

  2. Yeah! I'm not alone in blogger land. I read yours too.

  3. I'm out here too! I probably do blog catch ups once or twice a month, but I'm here! I read it all! :)
