June is a fun filled month for us! July is looking just as good. We hope you enjoy the pictures. I wish I was more consistent, but at least I have many pictures to put up when I do get around to it.
Since school got out, we have a fun schedule. After we're ready for the day, we each do two cleaning jobs. (Still teaching Rilie to be a part of this, so far he can put his toys in his room!). Once Alvin and Alex have completed their jobs, they usually choose to do 30 minutes of Explode the Code Online (their other options are read 30 pages or complete three workbook pages). After that, they may play one hour of video games. During this, I get some good exploring and play time in with Rilie and Jackson. We read books, build with blocks, sing songs, color, etc. Once Alvin and Alex are done with their "game time", we leave for that day's adventure. We have joined three park-day groups, so we go to the park three times a week! Once a week, we go to the library. They have a presenter for kids each week (magician, comedian, crafts, etc.). Leaving us one day for whatever. Once we get back from whatever adventure beheld us that day, the kids watch a movie until dad gets home. It's a nice break from the busy-ness. Jackson is usually asleep and I can start on whatever project I have set aside for that week. So far, I've organized our bedroom, finished Alex's homeschool binder for the past year, and sorted the paperwork for Alvin's binder. Nick still gets home mid-afternoon. It's a wonderful schedule! We're so blessed to have it.
Our garden is still coming along. I keep forgetting the camera... keeping track of Rilie, having Alvin and Alex as helpers, seems to keep my hands busy! The potatoes, onions, and carrots are almost ready. I see us harvesting those this week. I better get pictures soon! Corn, squash, beans, and cucumbers are coming on beautifully. We've been snacking on peas every time we go there. Marilyn's lettuce is just picture-perfect! The cool weather the last two weeks was perfect for them! She gave us three heads: romaine, green leaf, and something else... not sure what it's called.
Late Night with Mom and Dad
Playing Talisman with the older boys. There are many pieces to this game, making it hard to play with little ones around. Rilie and Jackson have been going to bed earlier, allowing us to play it with Alvin and Alex. They love it!
Birthday Extravaganza!
This week is quite eventful in our home! We wouldn't have it any other way. Nick and I decorated our home late Saturday night with streamers, balloons, and posters about each of our birthday boys. On Sunday, we celebrated all the birthdays with family. The boys were recognized in primary and given a framed picture of the temple. Alex had his baptismal interview, as well. It was Alvin's actual birthday, so we gave him extra hugs!! Monday morning, we let Alvin open the rest of his presents from family far away.
The kids helping me make cupcakes!
Tuesday, we sang to Alex again, he opened gifts from us and family far away. That night he went to his FIRST cub pack meeting. I even had his uniform badges on! We received a phone call that day, Alex had his first Wolf assignment: draw a picture of our night hike two weeks ago. (The Cub Scouts went on an awesome night hike, I wanted him to come... since I am a leader, driver, etc.)
On our way, I had to take another picture! Can you hear the: "Come on mom!" He gave me, before he smiled.
Alvin is wearing the blue Bear hat, and Alex is wearing the yellow Wolf hat. Even though he played it cool, he has been DYING to sit with the Cub Scouts during pack meetings.
Receiving birthday segments for their uniform.
Rilie desperately wants to be a part of the group. He quietly laid on the blanket next to them.
Birthday Party
Thursday, we had a whip cream fight... need I say more?
Alvin and Alex received many wonderful gifts: slip n slide, water guns, silly string, candy, Sunny D pops (like otter pops, but with Sunny D inside), Legos, etc.
Friday, Jackson turned ONE!
Other fun pictures!
Jackson is proficient in stair climbing and descending.
Alvin's bird feeder. Notice the "Yummy" with an arrow written above. Many birds visit it!
Enjoying Star Trek.
Beginning of a farmers tan...
Jackson wanted to be one with the fried rice, so we put a tarp down in the living room.
Our new deck! It's beautiful, notice our redneck baby gate!
Jackson loves it! He can play on the deck now.
One of the many Lego kits Alvin and Alex received.
Rilie and Jackson are starting to play together. They are having lots of fun!