Welcome to Good Eats!
Where we explore the delicious world of baby food. I'll be your host: Jackson Anderson!
Early this week, we tried RICE CEREAL by Gerber.
While my mother knows it's marketing,
she can't resist buying the canister that claims to have
all the brain building support no one else has.
Here's to being smarter!
A few days later, we decided to add banana.
This was MUCH better!
I had accepted the rice cereal, but now that my palate has been
introduce to such wonders, we will never go back.
Num num, I think there is more on my thumb.
Oh and the back of my hand.
And a little bit over here.
These are those wipes she keeps cleaning me with.
My brothers were intrigued for a bit, but returned to their movie.
This is my actual first feeding with the rice cereal.
Mom's point of view:
This was a challenging week! Friday, Jackson went to his 4 month appointment (10 days late, because I forgot his original appointment). When they weighed him, I knew something wasn't right. He only gained 1.5 pounds. Our new physician, Cindy - an Advanced Nurse Practioner, was slightly concerned. Jackson had dropped from the 45% to 15%. We talked about possible reasons. She asked me to pump after feedings, offer nursing every 2 - 3 hours (even if he didn't show signs of hunger), begin solids, and
come back in two weeks for another weight check.
Over the weekend, things got more challenging. He didn't want to eat, and when he did want to eat he wouldn't stay latched.
Monday, he only ate four times. Twice really, but he did try two other times. I called the clinic and they put me in touch with the Lactation Clinic. The Lactation Clinic was closed, so I left a message.
Tuesday, the LC told me to stop nursing and only pump. Jackson was to take bottles for the day. Needless to say, he did not accept the bottle. Home alone with a screaming baby is not good for anyone. I called my RS president and told her I needed a friend. She came over for two and half hours. She sent me to bed and tried to feed him over the next 45 minutes. The break was nice, but I couldn't sleep. She wasn't able to get him to feed either. She noticed that he was very happy and alert. He only cried when we tried to make him eat. This was true. He was happy unless, we offered or forced the tip of the bottle in his mouth.
At 3:30pm, I called the clinic. Jackson hadn't eaten since 7am, the last time I breast fed him. They took a look at him at 4:30pm. He was happy, good color, no signs of dehydration, etc. The doctor that saw him said he looked great, low weight, but nothing that warranted starving him over a bottle vs. breast. He said the LC could extrapolate my ounces from the pumping I had done and to give him food however he would take it. I started taking Reglan, a prescription anti-nausea medication that happens to promote lactating. Reglan is known to cause depression and exhaustion. (I am feeling both sides effects from this drug).
Wednesday, I met with the LC. They weighed him, watched me feed, weighed him again. After 25 minutes of nursing, he took in 2.5 ounces! Yet, still a happy active baby. She said his stomach probably shrunk with my supply or vice versa. They told me he is a "highly distractable" baby, so I have to feed him away from distractions... anyone want 3 kids for the next 2 - 4 weeks? He needs to feed 10 - 12 times a day, plus pump for 10 minutes on each side after each feeding. After an hour of feeding and pumping, I get an hour break and start over.
I know I'm complaining. In the end, it's more important we get my supply back and Jackson nursing well. School is taking a back burner. We are working on it, but it's not the priority. We work on school during the hour breaks, then the boys have an hour break. They are not complaining. When dad gets home, whatever needs to be done he helps me with. Either he holds Jackson and teaches, while I make dinner or vice versa.
Friday, Nick stayed home to help out. Overall, we're doing well. A few bursts of crying and thin skin, but I am practicing walking away, reminding the kids it's not their fault, and listening to ocean music in my room. I should only be on the drugs for a month. I should be back to "normal" by Christmas.
Loves and Prayers Appreciated!