The weather cooled off, but kicked back up... it's been 80s - 90s most days for two weeks! School is in full swing. This school year has started very smooth! I'm hoping it's not the calm before the storm. I read an amazing book this summer about homeschooling younger children. Between the tips in that book and joining our new co-op, we are feeling confident and having fun!
Memory Board: Each week, we put up new information to memorize and learn about,
in addition to math, reading, and writing.
Hobo spider we caught... I learned afterwards it was a hobo spider. *shudder*
We have since sprayed our home with a homemade concoction. We plan to buy a powder to sprinkle around our home and put screens over the two exhaust holes that go between the laundry room and the outside.
We decided to take a break and play in the rain after math.
Spokane Fair
Yummy fair food!
Motorcycles for sale... I couldn't stop Rilie from climbing on, so I took a picture.
Look at these horns!
How did I manage to get everyone looking! I guess they did that, huh?
Rodeo Time! My boys had never seen a rodeo before, it was a lot of fun. Rilie and Jackson lasted 1.5 hours. I was very proud of them.
Rodeo Queens
Spokane Rodeo Queen.
Her horse is 35 years old and galloped around that ring like it was nothing!
Fall Harvest
Rainbow Chard, I like it with lots of butter, salt, and pepper.
We remembered gloves this time and it went much better!
Corn... too bad the squirrels ate ALL of it!!
Beautiful sunflowers.
Baby cucumbers.
Cucumbers ready to be pickled.
Tomatoes. Alex loves eating tomatoes right from the plant.
Alvin not so much, but he does a great job picking them.
Rilie likes to try tomatoes, then spits them out.
Daddy and Jackson
Strong like bull!
Chris pureeing tomatoes.
Jackson loves passing a ball back and forth.
Men talking shop.
Blowing Rilie on the trampoline.
Canning Pears
First Day of School
Alvin and Alex started their co-op.
Rilie started preschool.
Happy kid!
Pirate face, "Argg!"
Pirate face again!
We keep finding crickets around our home.
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