Homeschooling Alvin is going much better. It's interesting that the answer for him was giving him more space to learn on his own. I think he's having a harder time processing outside language and it is becoming increasingly frustrating for him (and others). I'm trying to find my patients, talk slower, and be more visual with what I am saying. If I leave him on his own though, he figures it out and comes away with incredible grades. He's a grade level ahead in math with 93%. A few weeks ago, we started karate. It was a rough start teaching him to challenge his energy, but it is coming along now. We've turned it into a boys' night with dad and Paul.
Paul is doing fantastic. He is eager to help at home and asking for homework at school. He doesn't like the boy names we're looking at for his new brother. He would like us to name him John the Baptist. We are considering homeschooling him next year. I think Paul can do a lot more work than he's given and I think I could do more teaching two than one. Although this thought changes from week to week. Paul is also improving his paper airplanes. We've had a book which teaches you different styles and how to build airplanes that make loops, etc. During church, he was able to make one from memory. I was very impressed.
Rilie is a busy two year old. He's come down with a cough this week, which we are watching closely. Two friends, children came down with a cough that turned into pneumonia in two days. So far, he hasn't had any fevers... so I think we're okay. We have found a new favorite movie this week, Cars. He loves his plush Lightening McQueen from Aunt Sam & Uncle John-David. We are excited that he is beginning to talk. We're still in the phase where he only does one syllable out of the word, usually the first one... sometimes the middle or last one. Last night, he was trying to sing the theme music from Psych, which was hilarious.
Nick is coming along with his certifications. We bought the book and he's on chapter 2 out of 10. We're hoping to have this one done by June (possibly April). The goal is to be at professional level by the end of the year. It will take two tests to get there. Work is going well. This is our third week working long hours and it doesn't look like it will change anytime soon. We're doing our best to make the most of the time we have. He's been really good at spending time with the boys when he gets home, they miss having their dad home more. He is enjoying karate with Alvin & Paul. They usually get an ice cream cone afterwards.
Overall, things are going well. Staying busy, but not so busy I've lost my sanity.
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