About Me

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Our adventures started in amazing Alaska, but have since taken us to beautiful Spokane Valley, Washington. Our family consists of Nick (Dad), Becki (Mom), and our four boys: Alvin, Alex, Rilie, and Jackson. I enjoy homeschooling our kids and we're excited for what adventures Spokane has for us.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Nick drives out in 14 days! The kids and I fly out in 20 days! Lots of work to do, but Nick is very optimistic and it is rubbing off on me.

The last two days have been so much fun. I got to attend a curriculum fair/conference for homeschoolers. It was great fun. I saw so many familiar faces, even people I haven't seen since college that have decided to homeschool. It was great to handle different curricula, watch video presentations, etc. I found lots of things that would be fun to try next year. Did you know Lego has a Pictionary game called, Creationary. It comes with a board game, just like Picturionary, only you build what you would typically draw. Looks like a lot of fun and would provide a wonderful break in the day! I also found an encyclopedia that I've been looking for, even Amazon didn't have it. 

The workshops were so much fun. I only attended a few, but they were very worth while. It was great to hear the fun and not so fun (but looking back are very funny) stories from homeschool parents. It helped me to relax and know - Yes, I need to cover the state standards (reading, writing, arithmetic, etc.) BUT to remember the joy and flexibility that can come with homeschooling in very creative ways. They talked about not being so defensive of others judging my decision, that I pass that pressure on to my children, and squeeze the joy out of our homeschool. One presenter held a contest on her website, things parents have to say to their kids. Her favorite, "Spit your brother's tooth out and give it back to him!" Overall, I laughed, I cried, and thoroughly enjoyed myself! It renewed my confidence.

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