Jackson's arrival came differently than planned, but no less sweeter. We went to the birthing center around 11am and we were glad to discover I was dilated to 5cm and 80% effaced. We really didn't want to find out our all-nighter of contractions were nothing and be sent home. The midwife was proud of me, she said I had strong contractions and I was handling them well. We settled in our birthing suite and started a warm tub of water. She kept complimenting Nick and I on how well of a team we made. She enjoyed checking on us to find us laughing or sharing a quite moment.
At some point, my labor stalled and I was at 7cm for 5 hours with really intense contractions. The other bummer, Jackson had decided dropping was overrated and floated back up. Or, as Uncle Adam put it, he had to make sure he pushed all the buttons for a high score.
Well after said stalled contractions, we discussed ways to help get my labor progressing. Which ended with the decision to break my water. My midwife warned us the contractions would get more intense... which I was not excited about... but it should help get the process going again. Well, contractions definitely intensified and were starting to come back to back. Unfortunately, I didn't progress. After an hour, I was still a 7 and Jackson was only a -1. After another 30 minutes, my body kind of took over and I was not handling things as "gracefully".
Our midwife wanted to talk about other options. The baby and I were safe and healthy, but she was concerned about my "emotional state". Nick and I had been awake for almost 48 hours, I had been in hard labor for 17 hours (plus the 16 hours at home), and while nothing was medically wrong, she was worried about how distressed I was and things changing in the wrong direction. She wanted us to know that going to the hospital wasn't necessary, but it was an option. She wanted me to know that birth plans change and it doesn't make me a "quitter". The only goal is a healthy happy baby and mama, and however that comes is a success. After three more contractions, Nick and I decided it was best to take me to the hospital.
Our midwife set everything up and helped us get there. Since no one was in danger, we forwent the ambulance ride. The intern midwife drove our car, our midwife drove in front to lead the way. It took some coaxing to get me out of the car (actually, I was being difficult and my midwife had to get firm with me). The midwife asked me to keep it together until I was in my room. I did okay... I saved my screams for the elevator (It was a room?). Once we got to labor and delivery... I was "keeping it together", until the evil desk lady said I had to sign all the paper work, because I was the patient! After 7 signatures, one of which I forgot because it was on the back... they let me in. After that, the hospital was wonderful! The nurses swooped in and began reassuring me they would help continue with my natural birth. I told them to get me drugs now! The nurses began their schpeal about the kinds they offer, I told them I didn't care where or what, but I wanted them now!!
Once we got all the drugs I needed things relaxed a ton. I needed some extra, because I wasn't "calm enough" for my epidural stick. During this, the nurses noticed Nick wasn't doing so well. The blood had drained from his face. They asked how he was feeling, he couldn't feel his arms or back, but was holding me up (because he's my hero!). Nick doesn't admit to pain, discomfort, or really anything he considers weak... so it was fun to watch the nurses "tend" to him in a way that didn't look like tending. He had two nurses asking him about the day, offering him juice, etc. He was half checked in and half checked out, so he just accepted whatever they brought or talked about. He noticed his hands were white and started playing with his skin... everywhere he touched the blood drained out and didn't come back. I think he was in shock.
Once he started to feel better (few minutes) Nick was not too pleased with what he saw was happening to me... watching people stick your wife over and over again with each failed attempt can put a husband on edge. Especially, when they introduce you to the guy in "training" who will be doing her epidural and each step of the way he is asking questions while 3 nurses pin your wife into position and he fails three times. Nick thought he'd be carrying for his paralyzed wife & 4 children because of this man. After the epidural was done, the circus was over, and I finished dilating in 20 minutes and Jackson dropped some more, but not enough. The nurses told me to rest and breath him down (way more manageable now). Nick took a nap on the couch. An hour and a half later, the nurses felt I was ready to start pushing. We were able to arouse Nick from the dead. He wondered the room a little bit and asked me if I really needed him. He was able come to and 30 minutes later Jackson was here!
The doctor let him come straight to my tummy. There was meconium in my fluid, so NICU was standing by... but they let him come to me first. Since Jackson was demonstrating a great set of lungs, the NICU doctor left. Once Jackson's cord was done pulsing (something we requested), Nick was able to cut it. The doctor was impressed he didn't slip around with the scissors. After all the cleaning, weighing, etc. the room became empty and quiet. The nurse came back with a plethora of snacks! Including some amazing blueberry muffins she stole from the doctors lounge (she said I deserved them more than the doctors). We were then moved to mother/baby room. I was on a hormonal high and just snuggled with our baby all morning, Nick got needed/earned sleep. It was wonderful, amazing, and more than I hoped for.
Once we got all the drugs I needed things relaxed a ton. I needed some extra, because I wasn't "calm enough" for my epidural stick. During this, the nurses noticed Nick wasn't doing so well. The blood had drained from his face. They asked how he was feeling, he couldn't feel his arms or back, but was holding me up (because he's my hero!). Nick doesn't admit to pain, discomfort, or really anything he considers weak... so it was fun to watch the nurses "tend" to him in a way that didn't look like tending. He had two nurses asking him about the day, offering him juice, etc. He was half checked in and half checked out, so he just accepted whatever they brought or talked about. He noticed his hands were white and started playing with his skin... everywhere he touched the blood drained out and didn't come back. I think he was in shock.
Once he started to feel better (few minutes) Nick was not too pleased with what he saw was happening to me... watching people stick your wife over and over again with each failed attempt can put a husband on edge. Especially, when they introduce you to the guy in "training" who will be doing her epidural and each step of the way he is asking questions while 3 nurses pin your wife into position and he fails three times. Nick thought he'd be carrying for his paralyzed wife & 4 children because of this man. After the epidural was done, the circus was over, and I finished dilating in 20 minutes and Jackson dropped some more, but not enough. The nurses told me to rest and breath him down (way more manageable now). Nick took a nap on the couch. An hour and a half later, the nurses felt I was ready to start pushing. We were able to arouse Nick from the dead. He wondered the room a little bit and asked me if I really needed him. He was able come to and 30 minutes later Jackson was here!
The doctor let him come straight to my tummy. There was meconium in my fluid, so NICU was standing by... but they let him come to me first. Since Jackson was demonstrating a great set of lungs, the NICU doctor left. Once Jackson's cord was done pulsing (something we requested), Nick was able to cut it. The doctor was impressed he didn't slip around with the scissors. After all the cleaning, weighing, etc. the room became empty and quiet. The nurse came back with a plethora of snacks! Including some amazing blueberry muffins she stole from the doctors lounge (she said I deserved them more than the doctors). We were then moved to mother/baby room. I was on a hormonal high and just snuggled with our baby all morning, Nick got needed/earned sleep. It was wonderful, amazing, and more than I hoped for.
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